This year, we hosted our first ever ‘Careers' Week’ which all of the children have been involved with. Each class has used a quality text to inspire their English writing, and our younger children have taken a walk around the town, dropping into local businesses and learning about jobs in action. For our older children, we have provided workshops from a range of industries and children have selected which they would like to learn more about. In these, they’ve heard from professionals about their role, how they got there, the best bits and the worst! The children have responded enthusiastically and inquisitively about their career-related learning. They’ve heard from a huge range of job roles including, but not limited to, an equine osteopath, magazine publishers, engineers and artists! A huge thank you to our amazing parents who came to speak to the children, and for those who were able to celebrate our learning at our Careers' Fair. We encourage you to speak to children about what they have learnt, and look forward to inviting you to our Careers' Week 2025!
We were visited by the Career and Enterprise Company who showcased our Careers' Week. Please find the video below:
CEC Primary Project Review Video 2024 .mp4