In line with the updated General Data Protection Regulations which came in to effect on 25th May 2018, we have adapted our Parental Consent Form to reflect the additional consent we now require for pupils. The General Data Protection Regulation replaces the Data Protection Act; which is designed to strengthen and unify the safety and security of all data held within an organisation.
Requesting access to your personal data:
Under data protection legislation, parents and pupils have the right to request access to information about them that we hold. To make a request for your personal information, or be given access to your child’s educational record, contact the School Office on
You also have the right to:
If you have a concern about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, you should raise your concern with us in the first instance or directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office at
For our Privacy Statements and Data Protection Policy, please see our 'Policies' page on the website.