Lunch takes place in the school hall between 12:00 and 12:50pm. The start times are staggered slightly to avoid long queues.
The meals are provided by Kingsmead Community School.
Gluten free and dairy free menus are available, please contact the school office.
Every child in reception and key stage 1 (years 1-2) is entitled to free meals.
For the children in key stage 2 (years 3-6) the cost is £2.70 per meal.
Free school meals are also available to key stage 2 children whose parents are in receipt of any of the qualifying benefits. Information can be obtained from the school office or apply for free school meals on the Somerset County Council website
Any child who has a meal ordered but will not be attending school on that day can have their parents cancel it by ringing the school kitchen by 9.30am and they will be credited. Phone 01984 624539 or email